So you want to send him a romantic text message. A text that will make him think about you and feel all warm and fuzzy. When doing this, it's important to remember that what is romantic to you may not feel romantic to him. Men do think differently and they are visual creatures. When sending him a romantic text, paint a picture in his mind for best results. Play on his imagination.
What is romantic to a woman is not romantic to a man. Often women send men messaged that they think of as romantic. Think about flowers. You may thing receiving flowers as romantic, but a man, not so much. Romantic text messaged to send to your boyfriend could turn into messages that your girlfriends would prefer to here if you get my drift.
Men like to make women happy. Often women screw up by sending a message that tells him how wonderful he is. Try sending one that tells how wonderful he makes you feel or how he makes you smile. Here is an example of the difference in the two messages below.
Wrong: I can't stop thinking about how hot you looked last night when you __________________.
Right: I can't stop smiling today thinking about when you did ______________ last night.
Now there really isn't anything wrong with the first message, but the second one conveys to him that he makes you happy. It's much more romantic without being cheesy.
When sending a romantic text, think of him as the hero. He is your hero. He is special and makes you feel special. Focus on how he makes you feel, not on how you hope he feels if that makes sense. Men like to win. Let him know that he is winning without going overboard.
If you do this the right way, you can turn him inspire him to be more romantic in return. You can text romance into your live. You can ignite passion with the right words in a romantic text message.
Text the Romance.
What is romantic to a woman is not romantic to a man. Often women send men messaged that they think of as romantic. Think about flowers. You may thing receiving flowers as romantic, but a man, not so much. Romantic text messaged to send to your boyfriend could turn into messages that your girlfriends would prefer to here if you get my drift.
Men like to make women happy. Often women screw up by sending a message that tells him how wonderful he is. Try sending one that tells how wonderful he makes you feel or how he makes you smile. Here is an example of the difference in the two messages below.
Wrong: I can't stop thinking about how hot you looked last night when you __________________.
Right: I can't stop smiling today thinking about when you did ______________ last night.
Now there really isn't anything wrong with the first message, but the second one conveys to him that he makes you happy. It's much more romantic without being cheesy.
When sending a romantic text, think of him as the hero. He is your hero. He is special and makes you feel special. Focus on how he makes you feel, not on how you hope he feels if that makes sense. Men like to win. Let him know that he is winning without going overboard.
If you do this the right way, you can turn him inspire him to be more romantic in return. You can text romance into your live. You can ignite passion with the right words in a romantic text message.
Text the Romance.
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