Face it, the telephone, mainly your cell phone plays a huge part in your dating experience. You wonder if and when he is going to call. What harm is done by calling or texting guys? He gave you his number so that means he wants you to call. Well he may not mind, but when you call a guy, you send out some pretty strong messages unknowingly.
First you tell him that you are more interested in him than he is in you. If he is interested, he will call, it just may not be in your time frame. A guys time frame is so different. If he thinks you are more interested, he will see you as no challenge. Guys want a challenge. Chances are you will become the girl on the back burner that he calls when he can't get the girl that is a challenge. So before you call or text a guy, what signal do you want to send?
To Learn the rules of calling and texting guys and how to use the phone as your most powerful dating tool, click here.
If you are worried that he may think you are not interested, you are spending way too much time stressing over this guy. Is he wondering the same thing about you. He should be the one calling you if he is. When the guy does the chasing, it feels so much better for you and for him. It makes him feel like he is the one winning you over. This is very powerful. Its best to let a guy call you, not you call or text a guy.
If a guy feels like he has put forth an effort to win you over, he will see you as the prize. If you are the one coming to him, you are no won prize, you are a free consolation. He did not even have to dig to the bottom of the cereal box to get you, you were just laying there on top. What happens to theprize in the cereal box? It gets tossed rather quickly.
Wait before you pick up that phone. Stop thinking of instant gratification and focus on long term satisfaction. Do you want the calls to continue or do you once again want to be asking "Why did he stop calling?"
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