I am writing this topic because just recently I was dating a text-aholic. It made me think about some women I know that text their boyfriends or even new boyfriends relentlessly. This guy he did that. At first it was sweet. You know how it is when you first meet someone that interests you. You have those rose colored glasses on.
Fast forward a few of weeks. I could set my clock by this guy. One in the morning saying the exact same thing every single day. Then a call mid morning, a text at lunch, one in the afternoon, a call at night, and a goodnight text. I almost lost my mind. I would tell him, don't get me wrong, but it didn't help. I hated it, he was a nice guy.
Anyway, he would slow down for a day or so, and then right back at it. I told him many times, so finally, I let him go. It was more to it than how often he texted me and how it annoyed me. It was about me telling him and him not paying attention nor respecting my wishes. No discussion of compromise on this issue. He walked right over my boundaries. This is grounds for dumping in my book, it's my #1 deal breaker.
So ladies, remember this when you want to text a man to death. It kills all attraction and is annoying as crap. Less is More!
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