Monday, March 28, 2011

Building Sexual Tension Texting Guys

This is really simple. It's sort of goes parallel with playing hard to get. It's about making him wait a bit before you give into his advances. Anticipation and building up to meeting a guy actually is sexual tension.

How do you do this, build this sexual tension. If he is texting you, asking you questions, don't always answer him so readily. Maybe even answer his question with a question. Inspire him to be creative to get your attention and your time. Now by all means, keep flirting, tossing him crumbs so he will know you could be interested.

It's sort of about keeping him guessing. He won't know if you are into him or not, but he thinks you could be. Think about playing the slot machine. It's the little wins that keep you playing in hopes of winning the jackpot.

You don't want to do this too long as he may give up. A week is good, if he is a patient sort, maybe a little longer. You want him to get excited about meeting you. If you meet a guy right off the bat, he isn't going to be that excited. He will be excited more if he had to work for it. We all know we value that which we work for.

When he texts you, don't answer him right away, but usually do answer in the same day. This paces the texting conversation. Occasionally do wait a day. If you pace him with your texting, you are in control. It prolongs the meeting, which is what you want to do. The longer he waits, the more excited he is going to be.

He may be telling his friends after a few days. "This girl texts me, and she seems interested, but I just don't know". If you can get him thinking like this, you got the sexual tension building. His imagination starts to do your work for you. A man's imagination is where the sexual tension is built.

Sexual tension is not really built with words, it's more about techniques, which you can learn more of here.

1 comment:

  1. Anyway the best time to try dirty talk for the first time with your partner is during love making towards the orgasm when you're both really enjoying yourself, but once you've established dirty talk as something you both enjoy you can add it to your Body Language.
