A few weeks ago I went out with my best single girlfriend. She met this great guy. He seemed so into her. They had an amazing connection. They danced, talked, laughed and at the end of the night he got her number. Hmmmm, what happened, he didn't call. Three days later she calls me and asks, "should I text him?" My answer, "No".
You may be thinking well what will it hurt. For one thing about this. You are sitting there wondering and stressing. What is he doing? Do you really think he is sitting at home wondering. Is he thinking oh my, should I call her, should I text her? No he is not. If you text him he is going to know immediately that you are way more into him than he is into you. When it comes to texting guys, less is more.
Now 10 days go by. She held firm to my advice. Guess what? Yep, he called. Men are getting used to being texted by women. They are getting used to women doing thier work for them because so many act on their insecurities and fall into this trap. When a woman is not so anxious he finds her more attractive. He thinks this one is different, she doesn't have to chase me. Perhaps someone is chasing her. Competitiveness will drive a man into action. Think about how he views you next time you ask the question, should I text him.
When you start texting a guy who is not texting you first you might as well wave a flag that says "pick me, pick me". How attractive is that? It's always best to mirror his level of commitment. If he is texting you, sure text him back, but if he is not, step away from the phone. By texting often and first, you are telling him he can just sit back, you aren't going in where. He already has you under wraps. What happens is that you fall into the role of the back burner girl. So when you ask, should I text him, try to hold out.
How you handle that dating tool called the cell phone can make or break your dating life. It is a very powerful tool indeed. When it comes to texting guys, learn to do it right. Learn to send his level of attraction through the roof by what you do and don't do with that often dangerous tool, the cell phone.
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