Friday, September 17, 2010

Stop Texting Him Before He Runs for The Hills

First off, if he is texting you, yes you should reply. It's the polite thing to do. If on the other hand you are the one initiating all or most of the texting communication, you might want to reconsider. You are investing way more into him than he is you and the relationship will not be balanced. You are training him that you are willing to do all of the work to keep it going. Not a good thing at all. It would be wise on your part to stop texting him first. Let him come to you.

The reason you want him to come to you is because for one girl, you are worth it. You should not have to be the one to keep it going. You are the prize, you are valuable. If you don't stop texting him all the time, he will not see you as valuable. He will see you as available, perhaps easy, and maybe even needy. Not attractive qualities and not qualities that increase your value in his eyes.

Ever heard the phrase "We want what we can't have". If you are texting him all the time, guess what? He knows he can have you anytime. Where is the challenge in that? You might as well jump up and down screaming "Pick me, Pick me!". Stop texting him, let him text you. You reply flirty and evasive. Be the girl who he just can't quite have. This is crucial in building the attraction, especially in the beginning of dating.

In Summary, don't be a perpetual texter. Don't be the girl that while he is busy or out with the guys who constantly texts him. Stop texting him and let him text you. Let him wonder what you are doing. He will be rolling his eyes and sharing this information with his pals. This does not show you in a good light. Less is more, always.

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