Maybe he is a new love interest, or maybe you have been seeing him for a while. He was consistent, texting everyday and then it dwindles down to nothing. You text him, he either doesn't reply or is short. What is going on? Why do they do this.
It could be many reasons that's for sure. He could have met someone else, he could have just lost interest for no reason at all. Maybe he is just keeping you around on the back burner. One thing is for sure though, you are no longer on his list of priorities. If he was texting and then stopped, something is up, no doubt.
Often we get that projector rolling in our heads and over think and make excuses. Then we reach out and text them. Stop and think before you do this. Do you really want to make him a priority when he is obviously only making you an option. Bottom line, unless he is dead or in an accident there are no excuses for this behavior. If you text him asking questions about what happened he will see you as desperate. He will know he can come and go as he pleases and you will accept this behavior.
Do nothing, let him go. Don't text, don't call, don't arrange to bump into him somewhere. By doing nothing it shows you are not bothered, you are too busy to be bothered. Next time he does text, don't reply right away. Show him you are carefree and don't really need him. This increases your value in his eyes. Guys appreciate things of value.
Last of all, don't beat yourself up. This happens to all of us over and over again. Move forward to and save your effort for someone who is putting effort into you.
For rules about calling and texting guys and what to do and not to do click here.
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