This weekend I Googled texting guys and ran across a video two guys made about the ridiculous text messages they get from girls. Seems they have a problem with our lingo. They wonder why we text Heeeeyyyyy or Helloooooo instead of a simple "hey" or "hello". They went onto to conduct a fake job interview with one of the guys answering the questions talking like girls text. It was a bit out there, but funny and it brought it home. Apparently they see it as silly and not needed. So when texting a guy, remember, spell the words like they are, don't add letters to drive a point. It's falling on deaf ears.
Another thing is the many exclamation points and constant "lol"s. It seems they see this as silly also. Guys are not emotional creatures and this does not lock in attraction to them. Guys aren't triggered by emotional things, in fact, they probably don't even get it so don't waste your time.
When texting guys, just be short and to the point and witty. They don't really get into the cute mushy stuff. If they are texting you cute things, it's only because they think you like it, which be honest, we do.
Just wanted to share that information. To learn sure fire texting techniques that do work and will build attraction, click here.
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