Monday, December 27, 2010

When He Calls and Texts But Doesn't Ask You Out

If you have a guy who is calling and texting you but not asking you out or making plans to see you, it's confusing to say the least. I mean, why on earth would he be calling if he doesn't want to spend time with you. The answer is simple. He doesn't see you as a priority, just an option. Guys will call and text girls just enough to keep them interested.

He may have other girls that he is interested in, but wants to keep you on the back burner. He may like you, I mean he has to think something of you if he is calling and texting, but the key is, he doesn't think enough of you. If he thought more of you, he would be asking you out.

The guy that keeps you on that back burner has a few tricks also. He may even ask you to spend some time with him, but if you notice, he always has an escape route planned in the form of using words like, "maybe", "I'll let you know", anything that he can call up later to back out or make an excuse.

Think about it. When have you had a guy that you likes a little, but weren't that into so you just kind of strung him along. You used those escape routes when he wanted to pin you down to a date. You might say something like, maybe, I will let you know, and then throw out some excuse about work or whatever.

The bottom line though, if a guy is calling and texting and not asking you out, he is not pursuing a relationship with you. He isn't serious. This doesn't mean he won't change his mind, but as long as you are waiting on his call, hoping he will step up, you are wasting energy. There are ways to handle these texts and calls to get him to step it up, but waiting around on him isn't going to work.
Learn how to turn calls and texts into more and escalate your love life.

Friday, December 17, 2010

When He Tells You to Call or Text Him - What It Means

Those two words, "call me", or "text me", can screw with your head. If you like the guy, of course you want to believe this means he is interested in you and really wants you to call or text him. You may be thinking he wants you to call so he can make a date. Call me is what guys say often when ending a conversation. It's about the same as, talk to you later or see you around. It's usually said casually and you can bet if a guy says this, you don't have his interest sparked. So what do you do, should you call or text a guy if he asks?

When a guy says call me, usually it means he may find you attractive and if you call he may talk to you, but it's not something a guy says to a girl who he is very very interested in. If a guy is really interested, he won't ask you to call him or text him, he will be calling or texting you. The only exception to this is if you have been dating for a good while and he asks you to call him. If you have just met or started dating though, he is far from hooked on you yet.

A lot of women take this "call me" literally. They latch on and start calling and texting the guy. This makes them the one doing the pursuing. It tells the guy that you are way more invested into him than he is in you. He sees a woman ready to put the girlfriend crown on and often this causes him to stop all contact and run for the hills.

When a guy says call me, what he usually wants from you is not much. He can live with or without your call or text. If you do call or text, you will be setting yourself up as a girl on the back burner. That's what guys do with the girls that do the calling for the most part. They don't see them as a challenge and no challenge means you won't be girlfriend material more than likely.

If a guy really wants to get to know you, he will be the one doing the calling and texting, he won't be asking you to call him. When a guy tells you to call, the best thing you can do is don't. Let him wonder why you aren't so into him. This makes you more of a challenge and more attractive in his eyes. Less is more when it comes to calling men.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Texting a Man You Like a Lot

You finally met a man you really like. You hope he feels the same way. You instinctively want to reach out and touch him. What would it hurt to send a man a short little text, let him know you are interested.

Well slow down sister. If you gave him your number, he should know you are interested. When texting a man you really like, you might want to think about the texts you send to the men you really aren't all that interested in. Have you ever experienced a man you weren't that into being really into you. Why was that? How did you text him?

Chances are, you didn't always text him back or waited before you text because you really didn't care about the outcome. Oh but boy oh boy, now you like a man and you do care about the outcome. A huge reason why these other men were into you is because you were a bit hard to get. Men instinctively want what they can't have. So in essence, when texting a man you like, text him like you don't.

I am not saying you should play games here. Just don't be over eager, or don't be too available. Men value what they work hardest for. Don't answer instantly, that makes it look like you are waiting by the phone and have no life. Don't text him first, this shows him are starting to invest into him. Let him lead. Let him invest first.

It's tempting sometimes to get into the all day marathon of texting a man you like, but try to refrain, save that for when the relationship is more established. You want to give him a reason to see you. If you spill all in texting conversations, he won't be as motivated to see you. If you see your texting with a man heading into the marathon, cut it off. Tell him you have something to do and you will talk to him later. Be the first one to end the conversation. Leave him wanting more.

Less is always more when texting men. You want to be fun and mysterious. Men love the woman they can't quite figure out. Texting is fun and if done right, can build a huge level of attraction in him for you.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why You Shouldn't Text with a Guy All Day

Other than the obvious that you are getting nothing accomplished what does it hurt to have one of those marathon texting adventures with a guy? You are really connecting and it seems like he must really like you if he keeps texting, and that may very well be the case. Have you ever been in one of those marathons and he just cut if off, or stopped replying? There is no mystery, no allure in an all day texting marathon. He knows he has you hooked. He also may get the clue that you don't have much of a life.

When texting a guy, less really is more. It's best to save something for later. Leave him wanting more. Be the first to exit the conversation. If you are texting a guy all day, he is eventually going to get bored. He is also going to see you as very available. You don't want him to see you this way, guys love a challenge. When texting a guy, go back and forth a few times and stop.

When texting guys, remember this, often they are testing you. They want to see how into him you are. If you will go along with his all day marathon, he knows you are really into him. This tells him you are pretty easy. It makes you a good target as a back up girl. Ever been texting a guy all day and then a few weeks later he rarely is in any contact at all. Had you slowed it down and made him work harder from the beginning the chances are fewer that he will vanish later down the road.

Constantly texting a guy is not attractive. At the moment if feels good. You are getting instant gratification. Wouldn't you rather have long term satisfaction. When texting a guy, keep this satisfaction goal in the back of your mind, always.

Monday, December 6, 2010

To Text Him Or To Sext Him

Texting a guy or sexting a guy, what is the difference? Pretty obvious I guess. Texting is just exchanging conversation, sexting is taking it to an entirely other level. If you are sexting with a guy, you are talking dirty or giving off sexual vibes.

Now both can be fun, but be careful here. If you just met the guy and you want a relationship, sexting him can be deadly. Yes it will get his attention and spark his interest, no doubt. He will probably blow your phone up to be honest, but is this what you want? You are going to get instant gratification, but if you want long term satisfaction, hold off on the sexting until you have him hooked. Stick to texting him.

Once you start sexting, it is almost impossible to turn it around. He is going to see you as an easy target if you just started dating. Texting can enhance your dating life and you can use it to draw him in, but be careful not to send out the wrong signals.

There are many signals your texting can send out, like you are too available, you are easy, you are desperate, etc.

To learn to use this tool in sexting and texting click here.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Some Rules for Texting Guys

The rules for texting guys and calling guys are the same. Less is more for the most part. It is really the guys role to do the initiating, and if you are texting him more than he is texting you, you have broken a huge rule. Men really do like a bit of a challenge and if you are Miss Texting Queen, you are not offering up much of a challenge. You are depriving him of his role and it causes an imbalance in the relationship.

If you text a guy and he does not respond, don't text him again. It sends of signals of desperation and you are making him a priority while he is only making you an option. We often think, oh maybe he did not get our message, well don't kid yourself, he probably did. He could be busy, timing could be wrong or he could just not be into you. If you will sit on your fingers for a few days, it usually pays off. Then the guy wonders, hmmm, where is she, I have not heard from her. This usually causes him to reach out to you.

When he does text you, one of the rules for texting guys is not to respond immediately. Wait a couple hours. Don't be so anxious. Easier said than done. It is the mysterious girl that gets the guys attention and by not jumping through hoops when he texts, you create this mystery.

Until you are in an established relationship, it is best to let him do the initiating. Even then, less is always more. If I were to sum up the rules for texting guys, it would be this, when texting guys, less is always more.

Text messaging is a huge tool that can be used to build attraction and get and keep a guys interest. It pays to learn to use this media to your advantage. Turn up the heat, light that spark.

Learn more about texting and calling guys click here.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Texting Guys -Are You Killing His Attraction

If you have a new guy in your life and are in the early stages of courtship, chances are good you will be texting him and he will be texting you. Flirty texting is fun, but if you aren't careful, you can unknowingly put a huge damper on his attraction.

I am going to share a story with you here as an example as to how this can happen. The names have been changed of course. Bill met Cindy. They hit if off and exchanged phone numbers. They exchange a few texts, got together a few times and it's going good. Cindy sees this as he is into her. She starts texting him random things at random times. She texts him Good Morning or Good Night, she texts him that she misses him. She texts him and asks questions like when is she going to see him again. She even sends him texts about what she may be doing at any given point of the day.

Cindy wants Bill to know she is interested in him, she wants him to know she likes him. She thinks this will make him like her more. Wrong. Bill and I run into each other and he tells me Cindy is great, but he just isn't feeling it for her. What happened? Cindy killed the attraction by taking away the chase for Bill. Bill already knows she is into him, so what is left to work for? When texting guys, it is never a good idea to be too available or forth coming. Guys love mystery. If you share to much when texting a guy you like, you kill the mystery which kills his attraction.

Even if Bill is texting her that he misses her or wants to see her, she still should hold back. In the beginning a guy is living in the moment. The beginning is when you set the hook and build that attraction that leads to his attachment. If you are giving him everything too fast, he is going to get bored and eventually disappear. When texting a guy, hold back, be mysterious. Don't fall into the trap of girlfriend behavior before he has given you that title.

When you text him too often, offer up too much, he sees you like you are waving a sign around that says "Pick Me, Pick Me". Not attractive. He should be wondering if you are going to pick him instead. This builds the attraction, this gives him something to work for. Don't underestimate the power of attraction and how texting a guy can be a huge factor in this.

Does the guy you are seeing sometimes not reply to your texts or go days with no contact? If you are frustrated with this behavior, some simple texting techniques can turn this completely around for you if used wisely.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How a Guy Stole My Heart Texting

I don't usually get so personal and God knows I don't know where this will go, but I wanted to share how words through texting can really build a deep attraction in a woman. An attraction so great, that she wouldn't care if you had one eye or looked like a troll. By the time I finally met this guy, I was so attracted to him, it was just down right nuts.

We were long distance and meeting was not feasible in the beginning, so the only form of communication we used were texts messages via phone and email. The messages he sent were not your ordinary lame messages like "how are you", or "Good Morning". They were well thought out and planned. They pushed my emotional buttons. If you can push a woman's buttons, you got it made. I feel in love and I literally hung on every text this guy sent.

He used silence and mystery to heighten my attraction. It was not always what he did say, but often what he didn't say. He left gaps for my imagination to fill in. A woman that is left to use her imagination can create all sorts of things. In my mind, he created attraction. Combining techniques with the words when texting a girl can be very powerful. Think about this, why can't we do the same when texting a guy.

Now I have texted and emailed with hundreds of guys and am here to say, none of them held a candle to this guy. He knew instinctively what got a women's attention. If a guy can do this texting with a woman, then why can't a woman create this kind of attraction with a guy using a lot of the same techniques.

Trust me you can. I have been swooned and have swooned men with my texting techniques. If you aren't using it as a huge part of your dating tools, you are underestimating the power of text messages in building attraction. How and what you text guys is critical in your dating life.

In case you are wondering, we are still long distance, we are still texting, and yes it's been a year and the attraction is still present. Where it will go, I don't know, but this guy has techniques and button pushing down to a science. I have since learned a lot from him and now I use his techniques to attract guys. It works, I promise.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Flirty Texting Techniques That Make Him Want to See You

Men are attracted to mystery, allure, and a challenge. These can all be captured in your flirty text messages and build the attraction unbelievably. To create mystery you have to remember it is sometimes what you don't say that says the most. In other words when texting, don't always answer his questions direct, be evasive, but friendly. This is a very successful technique in building mystery.

Response time is also a good way to build up the attraction. if you always reply right back, you become predictable. Don't be predictable, wait before you reply. Depending on the message a couple of hours won't hurt. Then when he finally does get your reply, which of course is going to be light and flirty, you better believe he is going to pay it more attention. Presto, you got his full attention. Think long term satisfaction girls, not instant gratification.

Less is always more in texting. I have to mention the perpetual texter. The one that replies right back or texts all day long. Do you really think guys find this attractive? Maybe it's good for a quick fix for a few weeks, but trust me, it won't go long term. Flirty Texting Techniques do not include being a perpetual texter.

Playing on words is also a great way to send flirty text messages. You can be a little evil with this, yet he can't come right out and say you were being evil. For example, he texts you a yes or no question. Your answer "I moist say no". I guess you could call it subliminal talk to the penis. That really is exactly what it is. Learn to do this, and it gets his/her attention. Subtle yet sexy flirty text messages.

I have been swooned, and I have swooned in text messaging. Not many realize what a huge dating tool this has become. Get his attention, keep it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

He Text All The Time but Won't Ask Me Out

You may wonder what texting techniques have to do with this. A lot actually once you understand what builds attraction in a guy. If your guy is texting everyday but not asking you out, chances are his attraction level is not high enough. He sees you maybe as an option or someone to keep on the back burner.

Guys like a challenge, this is a fact. It's also human nature to want what we can't have. This does play into the texting. If he is texting and not making an effort to spend time with you, he very well may not see you as a challenge. If you are responding promptly to his texts, engaging in conversations every time he initiates a text or worse you initiate first, you are pretty much letting him know he already has you. No work there.

If your guy is texting and not calling or wanting to see you, it's time to turn this around. Stop answering right away. I am not saying be rude and ignore him, just wait a few hours before you reply. If he texts you something that really doesn't warrant a reply, then don't reply. You are a busy girl with a busy life and you really don't have time to chat with someone who can't seem to make you a priority.

Guys actually see a girl who is readily available as a girl acting like a girlfriend. When you start acting like a girlfriend to fast, they put the breaks on. Texting keeps you there for when they want you, but also keeps you at arm's length and keeps him safely out of a relationship. This is a huge reason why guys keep in contact texting and don't step up to see you.

If you aren't so available, it you aren't so eager to engage in his texting game, he will see you as more valuable. This is what builds attraction in a guy. Mystery is hard for a guy to resist. Your texting techniques can actually convey mystery and build attraction to higher level causing him to want to see you.

Friday, October 22, 2010

What Guys Really Think Of Girls That Text Them All The Time

I know and work with a lot of guys/men. I have been out with some and their phone beeps constantly. Always some girl texting him. Often they stop replying. They roll their eyes when they see the who the text is from. I inquire and he says with no emotion at all "Just some girl who texts me all the time". It's obvious that this girl who is texting him is killing her chances. If you are texting him everyday, stop and read further.

If a guy isn't initiating a texting conversation with you, it's not a good idea to text him first. It tells him you are willing to invest in him without him having to invest or put any effort forth at all. It tells him you are more than available and it also scares him to death. You are acting like a girlfriend long before he is ready. Sure he may answer you. He answers because he wants to keep you there as an option. If he is not texting you first or initiating, you certainly aren't a priority.

I guess I am very tired of the women who complain that they text him and he doesn't reply all the time or takes hours or days to respond. They wonder why. It's not a big mystery really. Guys value what they work hardest for. If you are texting him he is not working for you at all. You are doing his job for him. Who wouldn't let you do the job for them in reality if you are willing? All fine and well except for one thing. You will never build his level of attraction if you are doing his job for him.

The girl that makes his eyes light up when she texts is the girl that rarely texts him. It is like a special treat when this girl finds time to text him. It's like a great steak. If you eat it every day, it's just no so special anymore, but if you only get it occasionally, you appreciate it so much more.

Don't be the girl that he rolls his eyes at when she texts. Learn the techniques to texting that build his attraction over and over.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why Won't He Call or Text Me?

You met a guy, maybe even spent time with him, yet he just won't call or text. Why do guys get your number if they aren't going to use it? There could be many reasons.

He really could be busy. Guys don't have the same time clock we do. Days to them seem like weeks to us. He may have every intention of calling or texting but next thing you know weeks have went by. He then thinks too much time has passed and he would feel stupid to call you now so he moves on. This is one of the main reasons why he won't call. Laziness.

He could also just be a player. Getting a phone number or a date could just be a way to stroke his ego. There are guys out there like this. If he won't call you, chances are with this guy getting the number was part of the game. He just wanted to see if he could. He likes knowing there is a woman out there waiting for his contact. It is an ego boost.

Some guys are looking for a fling or just sex. If he finds out you are not that kind of girl, this could be one reason he doesn't call. This guy has countless numbers in his phone. You are better off if he doesn't call or text.

We so often wonder why won't he call me. It's really nothing in particular that you did or didn't do. I do believe however, that if a guy wants to get to know you and is truly interested, he will call. Guys like a challenge that is for sure. If you have been calling him instead of him calling you, this is a huge reason he's not calling you. He doesn't have too. You are doing his work for him.

A guy who is attracted to you will make time in his busy life, will overcome his game playing ways or rise above his immaturity and pick up that phone. He won't not call. The trick though is you have to become that "girl" that he can't resist.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Rules For Calling Men You Must Know to Keep Your Relationship Alive

Do you initiate the calls and texting? If you haven't heard from him do you ring him first? Do you ever engage in all day texting with him? There are rules for calling guys, these rules also carry over to texting guys as well

If you do or have done any of these things above, chances are you are too available and trust me, he will sense it. He will know you are making him a priority and he will not find you a challenge. Men love a challenge. That which comes easy is not appreciated or treasured. One of the rules for calling men is to let him do the initiating, let me explain why this is critical.

Think of his car. If he has an old beat up jalopy that he got for just a few hundred, he really puts no value in it. On the other hand if he has a really nice shiny sports car that he had to work long hard hours to afford, he sees it completely different. He washes it every weekend, parks it where no one can scratch or dent it. Most of all he sees it as very valuable. He doesn't want anyone else driving it. Same goes for the rules for calling men. If you are calling him, you will never be the pretty shiny car that he takes great care of.

This should be your mindset when handling phone calls or texts from your guy. If you make it too easy for him, you eventually become that jalopy. I am not saying ignore his calls, but a girl with self value does not revolve her life around a man nor depend on his contact for validation. A woman that values herself, will inspire a man to value her as well.

Go on with you life like he isn't your main focus. If you are busy, call him back when you can. If you haven't heard from him, don't call him, don't text him, don't email him, sit tight. Don't become glued to your phone. He will notice you are not calling and it increases your degree of value in his eyes. It gives him something to work for because if you aren't calling or texting, well he sees you as not quite available yet. This causes him to work harder.

How you handle calls and texts from the men in your life is critical in building the attraction in a relationship. Knowledge of how to handle the phone, your biggest tool in the dating pool is critical.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Secrets for Texting a Guy You Just Met

In order to stand out from the other girls you gotta be different. In order to do this, you need to know what it is they are doing. I will list a few below.

1. They text the guy first

2. They engage in all day texting marathons

3. They exaggerate too many letters or use too much punctuation. Such as adding a dozen O's on the end of hello followed by 8 exclamation points.

4. If the guy doesn't reply to texts, they text again.

5. They are boring

The above are just a few things that most girls do. The main thing here is you don't want to come across as too available or as if you are glued to your phone. If you always reply right away, are always available and have time to engage in those all day marathons, he won't see you as very valuable. He is not having to work to get your attention. This is not good and it a sure way to kill the attraction of a guy you just met.

When texting a guy you just met, always let him send the first text. Reply, but don't jump and do it instantly, let him wait. You are a busy girl right? You aren't just sitting around waiting on him to call or text. Meet him with wit and humor but some healthy resistance. If you can end the conversation first, all the better. It doesn't feel as good to be the last one to send the text and he not reply.

Never when texting a guy you just met do you want to lay any of your cards on the table. You don't want to shower him with compliments or let on that you are into him yet. So often girls screw up right here with texting. They start laying it on thick, investing in the guy way before he has shown he is willing to return that investment. You might as well text him "Pick me, Pick me, please". Let him lead, you follow his pace with a little holding back.

Guys like mystery. They value the things they have to work for. When texting a guy you just met, if you want to get and keep his attention, be elusive, mysterious and flirty. Stand out from the other girls.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Texting Techniques Not to Use on Guys

This weekend I Googled texting guys and ran across a video two guys made about the ridiculous text messages they get from girls. Seems they have a problem with our lingo. They wonder why we text Heeeeyyyyy or Helloooooo instead of a simple "hey" or "hello". They went onto to conduct a fake job interview with one of the guys answering the questions talking like girls text. It was a bit out there, but funny and it brought it home. Apparently they see it as silly and not needed. So when texting a guy, remember, spell the words like they are, don't add letters to drive a point. It's falling on deaf ears.

Another thing is the many exclamation points and constant "lol"s. It seems they see this as silly also. Guys are not emotional creatures and this does not lock in attraction to them. Guys aren't triggered by emotional things, in fact, they probably don't even get it so don't waste your time.

When texting guys, just be short and to the point and witty. They don't really get into the cute mushy stuff. If they are texting you cute things, it's only because they think you like it, which be honest, we do.

Just wanted to share that information. To learn sure fire texting techniques that do work and will build attraction, click here.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Stop Texting Him Before He Runs for The Hills

First off, if he is texting you, yes you should reply. It's the polite thing to do. If on the other hand you are the one initiating all or most of the texting communication, you might want to reconsider. You are investing way more into him than he is you and the relationship will not be balanced. You are training him that you are willing to do all of the work to keep it going. Not a good thing at all. It would be wise on your part to stop texting him first. Let him come to you.

The reason you want him to come to you is because for one girl, you are worth it. You should not have to be the one to keep it going. You are the prize, you are valuable. If you don't stop texting him all the time, he will not see you as valuable. He will see you as available, perhaps easy, and maybe even needy. Not attractive qualities and not qualities that increase your value in his eyes.

Ever heard the phrase "We want what we can't have". If you are texting him all the time, guess what? He knows he can have you anytime. Where is the challenge in that? You might as well jump up and down screaming "Pick me, Pick me!". Stop texting him, let him text you. You reply flirty and evasive. Be the girl who he just can't quite have. This is crucial in building the attraction, especially in the beginning of dating.

In Summary, don't be a perpetual texter. Don't be the girl that while he is busy or out with the guys who constantly texts him. Stop texting him and let him text you. Let him wonder what you are doing. He will be rolling his eyes and sharing this information with his pals. This does not show you in a good light. Less is more, always.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Should I Text Him

A few weeks ago I went out with my best single girlfriend. She met this great guy. He seemed so into her. They had an amazing connection. They danced, talked, laughed and at the end of the night he got her number. Hmmmm, what happened, he didn't call. Three days later she calls me and asks, "should I text him?" My answer, "No".

You may be thinking well what will it hurt. For one thing about this. You are sitting there wondering and stressing. What is he doing? Do you really think he is sitting at home wondering. Is he thinking oh my, should I call her, should I text her? No he is not. If you text him he is going to know immediately that you are way more into him than he is into you. When it comes to texting guys, less is more.

Now 10 days go by. She held firm to my advice. Guess what? Yep, he called. Men are getting used to being texted by women. They are getting used to women doing thier work for them because so many act on their insecurities and fall into this trap. When a woman is not so anxious he finds her more attractive. He thinks this one is different, she doesn't have to chase me. Perhaps someone is chasing her. Competitiveness will drive a man into action. Think about how he views you next time you ask the question, should I text him.

When you start texting a guy who is not texting you first you might as well wave a flag that says "pick me, pick me". How attractive is that? It's always best to mirror his level of commitment. If he is texting you, sure text him back, but if he is not, step away from the phone. By texting often and first, you are telling him he can just sit back, you aren't going in where. He already has you under wraps. What happens is that you fall into the role of the back burner girl. So when you ask, should I text him, try to hold out.

How you handle that dating tool called the cell phone can make or break your dating life. It is a very powerful tool indeed. When it comes to texting guys, learn to do it right. Learn to send his level of attraction through the roof by what you do and don't do with that often dangerous tool, the cell phone.

Friday, September 10, 2010

He Was Texting Everyday and Then Stopped

Maybe he is a new love interest, or maybe you have been seeing him for a while. He was consistent, texting everyday and then it dwindles down to nothing. You text him, he either doesn't reply or is short. What is going on? Why do they do this.

It could be many reasons that's for sure. He could have met someone else, he could have just lost interest for no reason at all. Maybe he is just keeping you around on the back burner. One thing is for sure though, you are no longer on his list of priorities. If he was texting and then stopped, something is up, no doubt.

Often we get that projector rolling in our heads and over think and make excuses. Then we reach out and text them. Stop and think before you do this. Do you really want to make him a priority when he is obviously only making you an option. Bottom line, unless he is dead or in an accident there are no excuses for this behavior. If you text him asking questions about what happened he will see you as desperate. He will know he can come and go as he pleases and you will accept this behavior.

Do nothing, let him go. Don't text, don't call, don't arrange to bump into him somewhere. By doing nothing it shows you are not bothered, you are too busy to be bothered. Next time he does text, don't reply right away. Show him you are carefree and don't really need him. This increases your value in his eyes. Guys appreciate things of value.

Last of all, don't beat yourself up. This happens to all of us over and over again. Move forward to and save your effort for someone who is putting effort into you.

For rules about calling and texting guys and what to do and not to do click here.

Monday, August 30, 2010

How to Text a Guy and Keep Him on His Toes

It's not what you say as much as it is your techniques. For example if you are the one initiating most of the texting conversations, you are probably killing the attraction unknowingly. It tells the guy you are more into him than he is into you and it gives him the power to dominate the terms and pace of the relationship. Let him put in most of the effort, especially in the beginning. Guys like a challenge, so don't be over eager. Let him think he will have to put in some wok to get your attention. If he isn't willing, you don't want him anyway.

Men don't respond to words, so what you say does not carry as much weight as you may think. Guys have been tuning out our words forever, that is unless we say something to their penis, that is a different story. All of a sudden they are on full alert. Don't do this however. You don't want them replying to you for the wrong reason. You want them to be hooked before you go there. So when a guy texts you, don't be to anxious to reply. Wait a while. If you reply immediately every time you become predictable. Be there, but just out of reach. You can do this by varying the time it takes you to reply. He will never be able to predict if it will be 15 minutes or hours. When he does hear from you he will be relieved and this builds up anticipation which builds attraction. When learning the how to text a guy techniques, remember, anticipation is powerful.

If he tries to engage in a marathon texting event, don't go there. That is giving him too much too soon and will not keep him on his toes. One sure tip for cutting off a conversation is the old "lol". If he says something humorous, send the old "lol". It does not really warrant a reply and it can end the conversation. When texting a guy, leave him wanting more. Don't give it all to him at once. If you do participate in a marathon texting session, he tends to start thinking you don't have much of a life and he assumes you are really into him. Don't let him get too comfortable to fast. Marathon texting should only be done on occasion. Just give him a taste of what it would be like to have more of your attention. Marathon texting is not high on the list of how to text a guy.

Think about how it always seems that the one you don't really like texts you all the time while the guy you really like seems to not be so reliable. Why is this? Do you treat the one you don't like so much differently? I imagine you don't jump to reply to his messages and you don't find yourself constantly checking you phone. You certainly don't have your phone glued to your person waiting on his text. Could it be that is why he is so into you, because you treat him with a nonchalant, don't care attitude. To balance this out, text the guy you really like as if he was the one you didn't really like. It adds mystery and that to a guy is pretty appealing. Less is more when in doubt of how to text a guy.

I have a lot of guy friends. I have been out with them and girls are texting them constantly. They show each other the messages and usually don't speak to highly of the perpetual texter. Oh but when they send a text to a girl and she doesn't jump right away, I have seen how they constantly check their phones, sometimes even send a second text. That girl is keeping them on their toes for sure.

Learn how to use text messaging to keep your guy on his toes and into you. The majority of women are clueless how powerful this can be to heighten a guys attraction level. To Learn to master this skill and keep his head spinning click here.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What You Must Know About Texting and Calling Guys

Face it, the telephone, mainly your cell phone plays a huge part in your dating experience. You wonder if and when he is going to call. What harm is done by calling or texting guys? He gave you his number so that means he wants you to call. Well he may not mind, but when you call a guy, you send out some pretty strong messages unknowingly.

First you tell him that you are more interested in him than he is in you. If he is interested, he will call, it just may not be in your time frame. A guys time frame is so different. If he thinks you are more interested, he will see you as no challenge. Guys want a challenge. Chances are you will become the girl on the back burner that he calls when he can't get the girl that is a challenge. So before you call or text a guy, what signal do you want to send?

To Learn the rules of calling and texting guys and how to use the phone as your most powerful dating tool, click here.

If you are worried that he may think you are not interested, you are spending way too much time stressing over this guy. Is he wondering the same thing about you. He should be the one calling you if he is. When the guy does the chasing, it feels so much better for you and for him. It makes him feel like he is the one winning you over. This is very powerful. Its best to let a guy call you, not you call or text a guy.

If a guy feels like he has put forth an effort to win you over, he will see you as the prize. If you are the one coming to him, you are no won prize, you are a free consolation. He did not even have to dig to the bottom of the cereal box to get you, you were just laying there on top. What happens to theprize in the cereal box? It gets tossed rather quickly.

Wait before you pick up that phone. Stop thinking of instant gratification and focus on long term satisfaction. Do you want the calls to continue or do you once again want to be asking "Why did he stop calling?"

Monday, August 9, 2010

Will He Text or Call? Top Things You Do That Stop Him

Ok so we have all been through it, many times I suspect. You meet this great guy, hit it off, he gets your number and never calls. Perhaps he does call and then one day just stops. What is going on here? Why does this happen? We pick it apart as women and try to figure out what we did wrong, was it something we said? Maybe, maybe not, regardless you still wonder will he call.

Men can pick up on our attitude. They know the women who are desperate for a call. They want a challenge as well and if we are desperate for that call, they just know and we become less attractive. Here are 5 things that you may be doing that keep him from calling and make you appear less desirable.

* You offer your phone number and ask him to call. Instant warning flag, he sees you as needy and will avoid you at all costs. Plus he did not have to work for you. Men value what they work hardest for.
* You ask him, "when are you going to call?". He sees you sitting by the phone waiting. Very unattractive to a man.
* You ask him "are you going to call?" Same scenario as above, he sees you waiting and available
* You tell him something like "Guys always get my number but never call". This is a big no no, he will be thinking, wow, no wonder they don't call her, she has is negative.
* He does call but its been days and you ask him "Why didn't you call?". He know then and there that this is a woman who is going to try to change him and may be high maintenance. He assumes the rest of the relationship will be drama filled.

So how do you take all of this drama out of the calling game and stop waiting by the phone. Its all in your attitude and how you approach dating in general. Its about dating without the drama. Not having to worry about if he will or will not call. A man loves busy women who have active lives and are not obsessing over if he calls or not. When a woman behaves like her world goes on with or without his attention, he is drawn.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rules For Texting Guys

The rules for texting guys and calling guys are the same. Less is more for the most part. It is really the guys role to do the initiating, and if you are texting him more than he is texting you, you have broken a huge rule. Men really do like a bit of a challenge and if you are Miss Texting Queen, you are not offering up much of a challenge. You are depriving him of his role and it causes an imbalance in the relationship.

If you text a guy and he does not respond, don't text him again. It sends of signals of desperation and you are making him a priority while he is only making you an option. We often think, oh maybe he did not get our message, well don't kid yourself, he probably did. He could be busy, timing could be wrong or he could just not be into you. If you will sit on your fingers for a few days, it usually pays off. Then the guy wonders, hmmm, where is she, I have not heard from her. This usually causes him to reach out to you.

When he does text you, one of the rules for texting guys is not to respond immediately. Wait a couple hours. Don't be so anxious. Easier said than done. It is the mysterious girl that gets the guys attention and by not jumping through hoops when he texts, you create this mystery.

Until you are in an established relationship, it is best to let him do the initiating. Even then, less is always more. If I were to sum up the rules for texting guys, it would be this, when texting guys, less is always more.

Text messaging is a huge tool that can be used to build attraction and get and keep a guys interest. It pays to learn to use this media to your advantage. Turn up the heat, light that spark.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Why You Shouldn't Text a Guy All Day Long

Other than the obvious that you are getting nothing accomplished what does it hurt to have one of those marathon texting adventures with a guy? You are really connecting and it seems like he must really like you if he keeps texting, and that may very well be the case. Have you ever been in one of those marathons and he just cut if off, or stopped replying? There is no mystery, no allure in an all day texting marathon. He knows he has you hooked. He also may get the clue that you don't have much of a life.

When texting a guy, less really is more. It's best to save something for later. Leave him wanting more. Be the first to exit the conversation. If you are texting a guy all day, he is eventually going to get bored. He is also going to see you as very available. You don't want him to see you this way, guys love a challenge. When texting a guy, go back and forth a few times and stop.

When texting guys, remember this, often they are testing you. They want to see how into him you are. If you will go along with his all day marathon, he knows you are really into him. This tells him you are pretty easy. It makes you a good target as a back up girl. Ever been texting a guy all day and then a few weeks later he rarely is in any contact at all. Had you slowed it down and made him work harder from the beginning the chances are fewer that he will vanish later down the road.

Constantly texting a guy is not attractive. At the moment if feels good. You are getting instant gratification. Wouldn't you rather have long term satisfaction. When texting a guy, keep this satisfaction goal in the back of your mind, always.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Don't be the Perpetual Texter

What is a perpetual texter? A person who replies immediately or texts almost constantly. A perpetual texter will almost always kill any attraction that is building. If you are always available and ready to carry on a texting conversation all day long, well there is not much mystery to you. Men love mystery and they love a challenge.

A perpetual texter is not a challenge. Oh the guy may go along with you in the beginning, but I am positive that after a few weeks he is going to get bored and his texts and calls will start to become less and less frequent. He will move onto another more challenging and interesting female.

Men value what they work hardest for. A perpetual texter is easy. No hard work there. Her fingertips are glued to her cell and this makes her appear to have very little of a life. Remember, less is always more in texting with a guy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Flirty Text Messages to Have Him Dying to See You

Men are attracted to mystery, allure, and a challenge. These can all be captured in your flirty text messages and build the attraction unbelievably. To create mystery you have to remember it is sometimes what you don't say that says the most. In other words when texting, don't always answer his questions direct, be evasive, but friendly. This is a very successful technique in building mystery.

Response time is also a good way to build up the attraction. if you always reply right back, you become predictable. Don't be predictable, wait before you reply. Depending on the message a couple of hours won't hurt. Then when he finally does get your reply, which of course is going to be light and flirty, you better believe he is going to pay it more attention. Presto, you got his full attention. Think long term satisfaction girls, not instant gratification.

Less is always more in texting. I have to mention the perpetual texter. The one that replies right back or texts all day long. Do you really think guys find this attractive? Maybe it's good for a quick fix for a few weeks, but trust me, it won't go long term.

Playing on words is also a great way to send flirty text messages. You can be a little evil with this, yet he can't come right out and say you were being evil. For example, he texts you a yes or no question. Your answer "I moist say no". I guess you could call it subliminal talk to the penis. That really is exactly what it is. Learn to do this, and it gets his attention.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Should I Text Him? Should I Call Him?

It happens all the time. A man gets your number and never calls, or calls a few times and then stops. We think what did I do, was it something I said. Why did he lose interest, did he meet someone else. Maybe I should call him so he won't forget me. If you have been down this road before, you are not alone, we all have. First and foremost, don't look for excuses to call him, if he wants to talk to you, his finger are not broken, I promise. So why don't men call?

Perhaps he gave you his number and asked you to call or text him. He asked you to, so why not? First off usually when a man gives you his number, he is really not all that interested. If a man is interested, he will get your number and call you. Men usually give their number to women that they may just want to keep on a back burner somewhere. If they see a woman as intriguing and possible someone they would like to get to know, rest assured they will get your number. So that being said, no, don't call, don't text. This will up your value in his eyes, he will see you are not desperate for his attention and next time he just may get your number.

Was he calling or texting regularly and then just stopped? If this is the case, do nothing. If you contact him, it shows him he is in control, he has you where he wants you. You would not be calling or texting him if you were not bothered by his lack of contact. This shows a man that you want to be with him more than he wants to be with you. Not a good place to be in a relationship. Calling or texting men often gives you the adverse affect to what you want.

Last but not least, he got your number and never called, never texted. The answer to this is no do nothing, no contact, just say next. If you have to chase a man, nothing good will come of it. You will be chasing and doing all the work for the duration of your relationship. Stop stressing over "Should I call or text him" and start focusing on why he should contact you.

The rules for calling and not calling men are very confusing. These phone calls play a huge part in how your relationship will or will not progress. There are ways and techniques to turn these phone calls and texts around and get him and keep him calling and texting.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Calling and Texting Men

First thing to remember is if you are texting or calling men, you are giving them power over you. You want to be the one with the power. Now I know this is a hard concept to grasp, but if you are so readily available, you take the mystery out of it. You are predictable and he may be predicting that you are going to become an emotional needy girlfriend.

When you make that call or text first you are sending negative messages. What he is hearing is that you are needy, you are into him and he does not have to worry about you. You will be there when he is ready to talk to you. You want him to wonder if you really are all that into him. This will propel him to make contact, which is what you want. Honestly, when that phone does ring or you do get that text that he sent first, don't you feel like jumping for joy. It just does not feel as good if you had to do the initiating.

The way you reply to his text messages is very important. Be upbeat, funny and make him laugh. If there is and inside joke between the two of you, play on it. This will make him associate good warm feelings when he calls or texts and he will do it more often. If you are the one doing the chasing, he will likely lose interest.

The way we handle these calls and texts can make or break a relationship. Wouldn't it be great to know exactly what to do and say and when to do it? If it could improve your dating and relationships wouldn't it be worth it? Do you want to be the girl that makes him roll his eyes in agitation every time the phone rings? I am sure you answered that no. You can create tons of attraction and move a relationship forward just by knowing how to handle calling men. Don't you want to be the one who is being pursued and not doing the chasing. Wouldn't it feel good to relax and just know he is going to call.

When to text and call a man is just one of the many things that make up the dynamics in a relationship. There is an art to balancing these dynamics. I have joined one of the thousands and thousands of women who have learned to date with out drama and get what we deserve in relationships with men.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why He Won't Text or Call

There are a lot of reasons why he doesn't call or text. If he just got your number and hasn't called, and it's only been a few days, he still may. A guy's timetable is different from ours. Sometimes it is a couple of weeks before he calls for the first time. If it's been a couple of weeks though and still he doesn't call, not even a text, chances are good he is not going to. He is just not really into you. Chalk it up and move on. No point in calling him or texting him, if he was interested he would call. Don't make the mistake of making him more of a priority than he is making you.

Then we have the man who comes on strong in the beginning, calls and texts often, you go out on a few great dates and then nothing. All communication stops and you are wondering what you did wrong. You may even be making excuses for him in your head. The reason he doesn't call or text you anymore in this situation is he has probably lost interest, and it may or may not be anything you did. Guys live in the moment. In the beginning all those chemicals are active, then when the dust settles, he thinks, whoa, what am I doing here, she is going to think I want a relationship and I am just not sure.

Last but not least is the sporadic caller or texter. He may call and text one week often, then go missing for a week or more. This is the guy that is keeping his options open. He is placing you on the back burner. He calls in or texts to check occasionally to make sure you are still there. The reason he doesn't call or text consistently is because he sees you as just Miss Right now. He is still looking for Miss Right, but wants to be sure if he gets the itch, you are there.

There are many reasons of course why he doesn't call, or why he stopped texting, but how you handle this is critical to determining where the relationship will or will not go. It can make or break it. If you start calling him, or send random texts asking him why he doesn't call, you might as well close the casket, this one is dead. This behavior is a huge attraction killer. If he stopped calling or he doesn't text, let him be.

Learning how to handle a man's calling and texting is crucial to dating success. No girl should not be aware of the rules for calling men if she is to survive the dating jungle.

Click here for everything you need to know about calling and texting guys!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How to Text a Guy you Like and Spark his Interest

Funny but with a guy we don't really like, we don't even have to think about how to text him, we just instinctively don't put much thought into it. Why should it be different with texting a guy you like? Ever notice how the ones we don't like stick around and the ones we do often vanish? That is often because we don't show them all that much interest and we become a challenge. A guy loves a good challenge does he not?

I have a friend who spent an entire day texting a guy. She was so excited, thought because he was texting her all day, he was into her. Fast forward a week. He never once asked her out and all texting stopped. Why? Because she was too available. It sent the message that this girl had nothing better to do but spend a day of mindless chatter. It also screams desperation. Don't be a perpetual all day texter. He gets bored.

When texting a guy you like, always try to be the first one to exit the conversation. Leave him wanting more. Don't fill up his glass all at once. If he texts you, fine, reply, but don't make a day of it. You want him to think you have a busy interesting life. If you are jumping every time the guy you like texts you, he will start to see you as hanging on his every word.

When texting a guy you like it's a good idea to not answer right away. Wait a couple of hours. That way the anticipation builds, then when you do text he feels relief. This creates a powerful trigger to him. In the future when he gets a text from you he will associate it with relief and good feelings. Those good feelings translate into you.

When texting a guy you like don't wake up in the morning and send him a "Good Morning" text or a "Good Night" text. Let him do this first. Let him lead, you follow softly behind. In the beginning if I get one of these I reply with a short sweet "u 2". That's it, nothing more, nothing less. Make him work for it. Men value what they work hardest for.

Texting is fun and can build some pretty intense attraction if done skillfully and playfully. It pays off to know the art of texting.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to Text Guys and Build the Attraction Out the Roof

First you need to understand men really don't respond to words all that much. How many time have they tuned us out? That is often because we are talking to them like we would want to be talked to. This does not work, they are not women. To communicate and stimulate a man, go for his ego. Sweet does not get it when you are texting a guy.

When learning how to text a guy, first lesson is do not overkill. If you text too much and too often, he sees you as needy or desperate. Less is always more when it comes to men. Don't be the girl that when he is out with the guys that he shows his phone to his buddies and rolls his eyes about and not in a good way. If you are a perpetual texter, this will be a huge turn off and a warning flag of drama queen ahead.

It's also best to let him initiate first. When he opens the door, you walk on through, full of wit and humor. Pick and tease him, go after that huge ego. A man's first instinct is to defend his ego and manhood. Don't do so with malice, use softeners when you do this such a a smiley face. When texting a guy, imagine wearing a halo and horns at the same time. Guys love the Angel/Devil combination.

When texting guys, a little provocative suggestion goes a long way. A subliminal talk with his penis is what I call it. Never be direct, always say something that could have a double meaning. That way he can't ever accuse you of being dirty, but he can certainly think you might be a bit naughty, but with no hard core proof to back it up. How fun is that.?

When you are texting a guy, you want to create positive anchors and triggers. When he sees he has a message from you, you want him to feel anticipation before he reads it. You want to use this anticipation to build the attraction. When learning the best ways how to text a guy, always remember, less is more. Also try to be let him be the last one to text, find a good cut off point and stop, leaving him wanting more.

Learn the art of texting guys. Build up his attraction and be the girl that he gets excited about when his phone rings