Monday, July 12, 2010

Should I Text Him? Should I Call Him?

It happens all the time. A man gets your number and never calls, or calls a few times and then stops. We think what did I do, was it something I said. Why did he lose interest, did he meet someone else. Maybe I should call him so he won't forget me. If you have been down this road before, you are not alone, we all have. First and foremost, don't look for excuses to call him, if he wants to talk to you, his finger are not broken, I promise. So why don't men call?

Perhaps he gave you his number and asked you to call or text him. He asked you to, so why not? First off usually when a man gives you his number, he is really not all that interested. If a man is interested, he will get your number and call you. Men usually give their number to women that they may just want to keep on a back burner somewhere. If they see a woman as intriguing and possible someone they would like to get to know, rest assured they will get your number. So that being said, no, don't call, don't text. This will up your value in his eyes, he will see you are not desperate for his attention and next time he just may get your number.

Was he calling or texting regularly and then just stopped? If this is the case, do nothing. If you contact him, it shows him he is in control, he has you where he wants you. You would not be calling or texting him if you were not bothered by his lack of contact. This shows a man that you want to be with him more than he wants to be with you. Not a good place to be in a relationship. Calling or texting men often gives you the adverse affect to what you want.

Last but not least, he got your number and never called, never texted. The answer to this is no do nothing, no contact, just say next. If you have to chase a man, nothing good will come of it. You will be chasing and doing all the work for the duration of your relationship. Stop stressing over "Should I call or text him" and start focusing on why he should contact you.

The rules for calling and not calling men are very confusing. These phone calls play a huge part in how your relationship will or will not progress. There are ways and techniques to turn these phone calls and texts around and get him and keep him calling and texting.

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