Should you text a guy first? Most of you that follow my blogs or articles know I am not an advocate of this, but nothing ventured nothing gained. Maybe he is shy, maybe he doesn't know if you are interested. If you are thinking this way and you feel you must text him, go ahead, but follow these guidelines below.
Text him once. Be witty and light. Be fun. Don't send a lame good morning or how is your day. If you can't be creative, step away from the phone. You don't want to come across as dull or boring. You want to grab his attention.
Second don't engage in a texting marathon. If he replies and appears to be happy to hear from you, a couple texts back and forth is enough. He now knows you are interested, stop while you are ahead. When texting guys, less is more. If you can leave him with a positive feeling, and don't go into overkill, chances are he may want to talk with you again.
If the guy doesn't text you back, don't text him again. You just showed him your interest, anything more will come across as desperate.
A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine had a guy give her his number. He put it in her phone. He did not get her number. Now we all say this means he isn't interested, but that is not always the case. She had to text him first. There was no other way to see if he was or was not interested. She alluded to something they talked about and hit the send button. He texted her back immediately.
She did not engage him in marathon texting. She remained mysterious and she kept him guessing. She ended the conversation quickly. Next day he started texting her. Fast forward a week and they had their first date.
There are times when texting first in appropriate. As long as you don't become a pest and chase him, it's all good when texting a guy first. Be sensible about it and play it cool.
Some guys need a little encouragement. Text him first by tossing him the ball and see if he serves it back, but never serve it twice if he isn't returning.
Text him once. Be witty and light. Be fun. Don't send a lame good morning or how is your day. If you can't be creative, step away from the phone. You don't want to come across as dull or boring. You want to grab his attention.
Second don't engage in a texting marathon. If he replies and appears to be happy to hear from you, a couple texts back and forth is enough. He now knows you are interested, stop while you are ahead. When texting guys, less is more. If you can leave him with a positive feeling, and don't go into overkill, chances are he may want to talk with you again.
If the guy doesn't text you back, don't text him again. You just showed him your interest, anything more will come across as desperate.
A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine had a guy give her his number. He put it in her phone. He did not get her number. Now we all say this means he isn't interested, but that is not always the case. She had to text him first. There was no other way to see if he was or was not interested. She alluded to something they talked about and hit the send button. He texted her back immediately.
She did not engage him in marathon texting. She remained mysterious and she kept him guessing. She ended the conversation quickly. Next day he started texting her. Fast forward a week and they had their first date.
There are times when texting first in appropriate. As long as you don't become a pest and chase him, it's all good when texting a guy first. Be sensible about it and play it cool.
Some guys need a little encouragement. Text him first by tossing him the ball and see if he serves it back, but never serve it twice if he isn't returning.

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