Monday, October 25, 2010

He Text All The Time but Won't Ask Me Out

You may wonder what texting techniques have to do with this. A lot actually once you understand what builds attraction in a guy. If your guy is texting everyday but not asking you out, chances are his attraction level is not high enough. He sees you maybe as an option or someone to keep on the back burner.

Guys like a challenge, this is a fact. It's also human nature to want what we can't have. This does play into the texting. If he is texting and not making an effort to spend time with you, he very well may not see you as a challenge. If you are responding promptly to his texts, engaging in conversations every time he initiates a text or worse you initiate first, you are pretty much letting him know he already has you. No work there.

If your guy is texting and not calling or wanting to see you, it's time to turn this around. Stop answering right away. I am not saying be rude and ignore him, just wait a few hours before you reply. If he texts you something that really doesn't warrant a reply, then don't reply. You are a busy girl with a busy life and you really don't have time to chat with someone who can't seem to make you a priority.

Guys actually see a girl who is readily available as a girl acting like a girlfriend. When you start acting like a girlfriend to fast, they put the breaks on. Texting keeps you there for when they want you, but also keeps you at arm's length and keeps him safely out of a relationship. This is a huge reason why guys keep in contact texting and don't step up to see you.

If you aren't so available, it you aren't so eager to engage in his texting game, he will see you as more valuable. This is what builds attraction in a guy. Mystery is hard for a guy to resist. Your texting techniques can actually convey mystery and build attraction to higher level causing him to want to see you.

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