Sunday, November 14, 2010

How a Guy Stole My Heart Texting

I don't usually get so personal and God knows I don't know where this will go, but I wanted to share how words through texting can really build a deep attraction in a woman. An attraction so great, that she wouldn't care if you had one eye or looked like a troll. By the time I finally met this guy, I was so attracted to him, it was just down right nuts.

We were long distance and meeting was not feasible in the beginning, so the only form of communication we used were texts messages via phone and email. The messages he sent were not your ordinary lame messages like "how are you", or "Good Morning". They were well thought out and planned. They pushed my emotional buttons. If you can push a woman's buttons, you got it made. I feel in love and I literally hung on every text this guy sent.

He used silence and mystery to heighten my attraction. It was not always what he did say, but often what he didn't say. He left gaps for my imagination to fill in. A woman that is left to use her imagination can create all sorts of things. In my mind, he created attraction. Combining techniques with the words when texting a girl can be very powerful. Think about this, why can't we do the same when texting a guy.

Now I have texted and emailed with hundreds of guys and am here to say, none of them held a candle to this guy. He knew instinctively what got a women's attention. If a guy can do this texting with a woman, then why can't a woman create this kind of attraction with a guy using a lot of the same techniques.

Trust me you can. I have been swooned and have swooned men with my texting techniques. If you aren't using it as a huge part of your dating tools, you are underestimating the power of text messages in building attraction. How and what you text guys is critical in your dating life.

In case you are wondering, we are still long distance, we are still texting, and yes it's been a year and the attraction is still present. Where it will go, I don't know, but this guy has techniques and button pushing down to a science. I have since learned a lot from him and now I use his techniques to attract guys. It works, I promise.

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